ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is ACRA -registered entity that has been operating for
6 years 5 months in Singapore since its incorporation in 2018.
Officially, ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is registered as
Private Limited Company
with its address 541 ORCHARD ROAD, #09-01, LIAT TOWERS, Singapore 238881.
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is a non-listed entity in the private market with no IPO filing
As of 1 March 2020, the company is not involved in any litigation based on the public records of the Supreme Court of Singapore. This information is provided to the best of our research ability and we make no warranties over any data inaccuracies or omissions
This is the legal entity page of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.. To access company info and key decision makers’ emails, visit the profile pages below:
This is the legal entity page of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. To find out more insights such as size, news, key decision makers, please visit the profile pages below.
* This profile contains information from ACRA Information on Corporate Entities from Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data Licence version 1.0. Information and datasets on our website are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This website makes no representations or warranties concerning the datasets, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, quality, or fitness for any particular purpose of the datasets to the fullest extent permitted by the law.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Tell me more about ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.?
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is ACRA -registered entity that has been operating for
6 years 5 months in Singapore since its incorporation in 2018.
Officially, ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is registered as
Private Limited Company
with its address 541 ORCHARD ROAD, #09-01, LIAT TOWERS, Singapore 238881.
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is a non-listed entity in the private market with no IPO filing
As of 1 March 2020, the company is not involved in any litigation based on the public records of the Supreme Court of Singapore. This information is provided to the best of our research ability and we make no warranties over any data inaccuracies or omissions
What is ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. entity type?
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is an Private Limited Company
What is ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.'s incorporation date?
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 3 Jul 2018
What sector is ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. in?
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. primarily operates in the sector of Wholesale of computer software (except games)
What is the business registration number of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.?
The business registration number of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is 201822600H
What is the legal name?
The legal name is ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.
What is the address of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.?
The address of ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. is 541 ORCHARD ROAD, #09-01, LIAT TOWERS, Singapore 238881
What is ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD.'s ownership structure?
ADDACTIS ASIA PTE. LTD. has a [sophisticated] ownership structure and [may be part of a large corporate group]